Ap World History Dbq Research Paper

Words: 782
Pages: 4

Imagine you have been living in your house for years, and then a family comes and destroys your way of life. This is a similar situation to where the Native Americans lived. In the 1400’s, European explorers did this very thing to Native Americans living in the present day United States. The explorers decided that they would harshly control the land, and the people living there. There is no doubt that Native Americans suffered greatly when the Europeans arrived because of starvation, religion, and disease. One reason why Native American lives decreased rapidly was because, “Many died merely of hunger. They starved to death because there was no one left to care for them,” (Document 2). This is because of the treatment of foreign explorers. When the European explorers …show more content…
They were taken to Malaga, Spain, and sold for about $25 a piece.” Most of the time, the enslaved people were very scarcely fed. If a slave or someone working for very little money had children, the children would most likely die of starvation because their parents could not get food or because their parents didn’t have the time to take care of them. Because of starvation and other harsh methods to torture them, “by the 1600’s, the Indian population had shrunk by more than 80% in some areas,” which is evidence that the majority of native American lives were taken after the Europeans sailed to America and starved them (World Civilizations, 810). The Europeans fed the indigenous people of the new world little to no food, which resulted in their death rate speeding up substantially. The next reason why Europeans went to severe measures to harm native Americans, was because of their religion. The explorers brought Catholicism to the new world and assumed that everyone would convert easily and give up their own