Athlete Salaries Controversy

Words: 1891
Pages: 8

Athlete Salaries: A False Controversy The entertainment industry is America’s love of life. Ever since the entertainment industry existed, the average American has lost track of how many movies they’ve seen, how much music they’ve listened to, how many concerts they’ve attended, and how many sports tickets and memorabilia they’ve cashed out on. Another thing the average American tends to withhold is the complaint that their favorite celebrities are getting so much more money than they are. To many people, money is just not fair. It can seem this way, but there’s only one group of people that’s responsible for this massive pay gap that’s been created, which is the exact same people who complain about this unnecessary predicament. Feeling like something is unfair often comes from emotional values, rather …show more content…
Although athletes are paid significantly more than people in more essential occupations, athletes deserve every penny they are paid because of the growth of their business and popularity, the work that goes into getting a position in the industry, and the competitiveness of CEOs and owners of a sports franchise. Sure, maybe athletes, movie stars, and singers should get paid less. All Americans have to do is stop watching movies and sports, and quit listening to music. That’s a pretty simple solution to their problem, but from an educated judgment, it doesn’t seem like that’s very likely to happen in the United States. The reason why people have the biggest problem with athlete salaries is because to Americans, sports is either on the pedestal of entertainment in America or it’s just a silly game. For those who think it’s just a silly game, there’s quite a multitude of others who would disagree with it. There’s nothing that can stop some diehard fans from shoveling endless mounds of cash in a sports franchise owner’s face just to own LeBron James memorabilia or a trip to see him