Aztec Vs Inca Research Paper

Words: 469
Pages: 2

I believe that the Inca were the superior empire compared to the Aztecs and Mayans. I believe this because of their great building techniques, agriculture, and military.

The architecture of the Inca was very advanced compared to the other competing empires in the region because they had near modern-day precision with their stone blocks which helped create sturdy and very tall buildings that towered over the jungle. According to (, “The Inca also developed sophisticated calendars, elaborate textiles, functional and decorative ceramics, surgical techniques, productive terrace agriculture and the use of coca leaves as medicine and in religious ceremonies.“ This shows that they were very advanced in architecture compared to other peoples at the time due to the surgical like precision that the stone was placed with.

Moreover, the Inca had their own system of farming and agriculture which further excelled them beyond the techniques of other regional empires. Stated in National Geographic it says, “Because the Inca lived in the mountains, they often had to build terraces, or flat areas cut into the hillside, to plant their crops in. They also had to dig canals so they could direct mountain streams and rain to crops like quinoa, corn, avocados, and potatoes.“ This shows that they were pioneers in the agricultural part
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Read in( it says, “The Inca are today celebrated for many artistic and cultural achievements, including their monumental architecture, of which the magnificent fortress complex Machu Picchu is but one example.” This shows that their fortress that was built upon the Andes was so untouchable that they could worry about their day to day lives without having to worry about going to war because they had a place where it was near impossible to reach with the advancements made during this time