Boxer Rebellion Research Paper

Words: 750
Pages: 3

Have you ever been forced into something you did not like, disagreed with, or went against what you believe? These moments have sparked rebellions throughout history, reshaping societies and challenging those in power. For example, the Boxer rebellion, the French Revolution, the American Revolution, and more. The Boxer rebellion was an anti-foreigner uprising in which ordinary villagers reacted violently against the increasing influence of foreign Christian missionaries and diplomats in China. Similarly, the French Revolution erupted in 1789 due to widespread discontent among the populace who felt they were being treated unfairly by the comarchy. Likewise, the American Revolution, which began in 1775, was fueled by the colonists’ desire to …show more content…
This reason connects to the question because the American Revolution was an economic rebellion because they rebelled to gain control away from the British. One last reason why people rebel against power is because they feel as if their beliefs are being forced to change. An example of this is the Boxer Rebellion that started in 1899, which was when the Boxers revolted against foreign influence and Christian missionaries, ”Christian missionary activities helped provoke the Boxers; Christian converts flouted traditional Chinese ceremonies and family relations; and missionaries pressured local officials to side with Christian converts.” (“Boxer Rebellion”). They saw that they were forcing Western beliefs onto them and believed it was an attack on their identity and the Boxers responded with violence to protect their traditions and beliefs (“Wasserstrom”). This supports my claim because the Boxers imposed major violence onto the foreigners just to keep their beliefs a choice of theirs. They did not want it to be changed by somebody