Do Good Samaritan Laws Truly Enhance Public Safety

Words: 743
Pages: 3

Evan Hernandez

Mrs O’Grady

English II HP, Period 5.

13 March 2024

When Helping Hurts

Do Good Samaritan laws truly enhance public safety, or do they inadvertently create new risks and dilemmas?" As for 19-year-old Jason Cisneros who decided to stop and help save the life of a woman in danger from a man later known as Hector Henriquez threatening her life with a gun when Jason decided to step in causing Hector's attention to be switched to him tragically Jason's friend Ivania Salguero would later hear gunshots and discover that Jason had been shot and killed in the process (Bystander killed in) The Good Samaritan law better known as the Bystander law is a law that forces people not they will receive a fine or be put in jail or even both
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My view is the state of California should not have a law that requires an individual to “report or assist” a person in trouble or need or face serious criminal charges, jail time, and/or fines. Recent and past news events involving bystanders who witness but do not report or help victims in crisis have led concerned citizens in California and across the country to lobby their state representatives to create stronger Good Samaritan laws. However, the state of California should not have a law that requires an individual to report or help a person in trouble or need or face serious criminal charges, jail time, and/or fine because this law could put more people in danger by making them get involved in dangerous situationsEnforcing the law would require more resources and manpower in an already overburdened law enforcement system. It would hurt more people than it would help. The …show more content…
Additionally, cops would be forced into situations where they have to decide whether to kill a man like John Hurley who had saved many lives from an armed man and had picked up the weapon to disarm it without even being given the chance to speak he was shot and killed in cold blood by the cops(Bystander who shot). Some might argue that you can save someone’s life. You can prevent a death or tragedy by taking action. This view ignores evidence that when intervening causes not only people like John Hurley to be killed but also law enforcement to have to make a decision that could change not only the course of their life but many others furthermore it would hurt more people than it would help. and people have their own families and responsibilities to look out for. People could die trying to be an upstander like Joseph Robert who was shopping at Walmart when an armed couple came into the store Joseph had taken out his registered concealed firearm and pointed it at the couple when the girlfriend shot Joseph(Cost of Bravery). Those who oppose this idea believe it will start a