Odysseus A Hero Research Paper

Words: 461
Pages: 2

Jillian Stewart Mrs. Hook ELA 1 5 March 2024 Is Odysseus a hero? A hero is someone who has given their lives on the line, and we see Odysseus do that. Odysseus is a war hero who left his home 20 years ago. He got stuck on an island by Calypso, the goddess of strange power and beauty. Odysseus is a hero because he saved his crew, is an excellent fighter, and he is smart. Odysseus has saved his crew multiple times. Homer states,”. plug your oarsmen’s ears with beeswax kneaded soft; none of the rest should hear that song.” This shows how Odysseus has kept his crew safe by telling them to put beeswax in their ears. In the story The Lotus Eaters it says,”... and no one tastes the Lotus, or you lose your hope of home.” This shows that Odysseus is trying to warn his man of what will happen if you eat the Lotus flower. The Lotus eater and the sirens are just two stories that Odysseus has saved his crew. Another reason that Odysseus is a hero is because he is an excellent fighter and that is one way he is a hero.