Pitbulls Should Not Be Banned Research Paper

Words: 517
Pages: 3

I don’t think that they should be banned. like that just messed up and that they should not be banned. Any dog can be dangerous if not raised or treated properly. Any medium or large dog can cause Yes, I think that we should keep pitbulls as pets. Other lame people think that they are VERY dangerous and that they are going to hurt you. Half of that is correct, but half is not. They may be dangerous, but they can also be good. All you have to do is train them. If you do, you will have a protective dog. Anyways, pitbulls are very cool and also very protective. All of the dogs are protective and can be dangerous, it's not just pitbulls. It's not going to be fair if you ban pitbulls if all the other dogs are dangerous.

I truly think that pitbulls are not a problem. Yes, they might be very dangerous but they will come in need. Let's say that someone comes barging in your front door and that you're dead asleep. Then you will wake up and the guy will already trash your house but to stop that you can not band the pitbulls and then when someone comes to your door your dog will bite its arm and that someone will yell and you will wake up and yea but the dog will stop the guy. These dogs are very useful. They are not dangerous, you just TREAT them to be dangerous. You treat the dogs as vicious.
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Actually I had 3 but something happened to the 2 and now I have one and we adopted one little one. But they are for family and they are family. You can't just treat a pitbull like that, it's just messed up. I don’t think pit bulls should be banned. A lot of people think that pitbulls should be banned because they’re supposedly vicious and have the ability to lock their jaw once they’ve been