Students For Fair Admissions, Inc. V. Harvard Case Analysis

Words: 2954
Pages: 12

Lawrence Trey Stewart January 17th, 2024 PLS 520 Dr. Pybas.

Students for Fair Admissions, Inc v. Harvard College - Sotomayor Dissenting Opinion Introduction: Case Background and Opinions: In the previous months, a major case was settled within the Supreme Court. In what will surely be seen as a landmark case by future historians, Students for Fair Admissions Inc. v. Harvard College would see the Supreme Court striking down a precedent that has long persisted in colleges throughout the United States. The case relates to the concept of “Affirmative Action”, which is essentially the idea of race being a contributing factor in regards to admission into college, in this case, the famous Harvard College. The case in question resulted in deeming
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She made a variety of arguments against the court’s decision, and had her reasonings for each and every one of them. To begin, Justice Sotomayor would open her statement with a discussion about the fourteenth amendment of the United States Constitution, specifically its Equal Protection Clause. She points out the fact that this clause has historically allowed for the enforcement of racial equality within various agencies and institutions, citing the famous Brown v. Board of Education as a noteworthy example. Of course, this was the case that resulted in the desegregation of public schools in the United States, and the integration of black and white students into the same school systems. She further adds that the Court would later begin to use the standards set by Brown to apply similar rules to colleges and universities. Because of Brown, colleges and universities should now be allowed to use race to a limited extent for consideration in their admission processes. Potential Effects on Racial Equality: It should be added that this ruling has allowed minority students to receive their education in a manner equally to their fellow white students, and has repeatedly