To Kill A Mockingbird Loss Of Innocence Analysis

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Pages: 3

“Loss is like a wind, it either carries you to a new destination or it traps you in an ocean of stagnation. You must quickly learn how to navigate the sail, for stagnation is death.” -Val Uchendu In To Kill a Mockingbird Jem has proven that he has lost his sense of innocence. Over the years Jem has been growing and when he is growing over time he has been losing his innocence. Which causes him to act different in different situations. Jems experiences when he was ruine Mrs. Dubose garden and in Tom Robinson’s Trial prove that some people don’t know what the real world is like, and maybe disappointed on what it’s really like.

Jem has loss his innocence by ruining Mrs. Dubose garden and by arguing with her. This is because Jem was a innocent until he had disrespected Mrs. Dubose. Jem had took Scout’s baton and had used it to ruin Mrs. Dubose
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Ever since Tom Robinson's case has been brought up in Maycomb County Jem has been so attracted to the case, and was so excited thinking that Atticus would win the case. “Atticus and Calpurnia met us downstairs. Calpurnia looked peeved, but Atticus looked exhausted. Jem was jumping in excitement, ‘We’ve won, haven't we?’” (Lee 276) This shows that Jem was very excited thinking that his father was going to win the case. This also shows Jem's innocence by showing emotio hoping that his father would win. Until he had heard who had really won the case. “It was Jem’s turn to cry. His face was streaked with angry tears as we made our way through the cheerful crowd. ‘It ain’t right,’ he muttered, all the way to the corner of the square where he found Atticus waiting…. ‘It ain’t right, Atticus,’ said Jem.’” This shows that Jem has loss his innocence hoping that his father would will and repeating inside his head that it was right. Atticus has also explained to Jem that the older he gets the more he will see white people accusing the black