Book Summary: Blood Ties

Words: 573
Pages: 3

Author: Sophie McKenzie
Name of book: Blood Ties
Genre: Teens
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Children’s Books
Date: July 2008
ISBN: 1847382754

Blood Ties, by Sophie McKenzie is the story of two ordinary teenagers whose differences end up bringing them together. The story is a fast paced thriller aimed at a teenage audience. Blood Ties is a story of self-discovery of the two main characters, Rachel and Theo. Both characters embark on a journey in which they slowly uncover the truth behind their roots and the connection they have between them. Throughout the story the narrative shows their internal struggles to come to terms with the information they both discover.
Both Theo and Rachel narrate the story in the first person, with the pair narrating
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She is bullied at her school and doesn’t have many friends. Rachel lives in the shadow of her dead sister Rebecca. Rebecca died as a teenager and was the complete opposite of Rachel. She was smart, good-looking and sporty. Rachel’s parents constantly compare her with Rebecca. On the other hand Theo is the complete opposite to Rachel. Theo comes from a single parent family and lives in a very small home. He attends a private boys school and has his own personal bodyguard. Theo's mother doesn’t tell him why this is, but he knows that is has something to do with his father who he believes died when he was just a baby. Early on in the story Theo discovers a huge secret. All his life his mother had told him that his father was dead, but Theo soon finds out that this may not be true. Theo is determined to find out the truth. He soon finds Rachel who knows his Father’s whereabouts. The pace of the story soon picks up as enemies, not knowing whom they should trust, pursue both characters. The two soon find themselves on the run from RAGE (the Righteous Army Against Genetic Engineering) after being confronted by them at Rachel’s school disco. On one side, RAGE is trying to hunt them down and kill them and on the other, Elijah’s men, a scientist who rescues the pair from death. After being rescued by Elijah’s men the two are taken to a secretive place. They soon find some astonishing discoveries about their