Stereotypes Of Poverty Essay

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Pages: 2

Poverty is the state of being extremely poor. People that make less than the rich/well-off and uses welfare benefits get labeled as lazy, unmotivated individuals. There are many myths and stereotypes about poverty, such as “Once on welfare, ALWAYS on welfare.” Poor people generally aren’t poor by choice, but poor by the lack of wealth distribution in America as stated by Bailey W. From past experiences with my parents, benefits from the government didn’t cover all expenses. To keep everything running smoothly my parents worked multiple jobs, therefore, most of the myths and stereotypes about poor families are wrong. Moreover, creating solutions for poverty should be in place of creating stereotypes for poverty.
Stereotypes are usually picked up as children from their parents. As kids, they don’t know that judging people before getting to know them can be hurtful. Stereotypes can also bring a person
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My mother received welfare benefits from the government, however she still worked two jobs to make sure all expenses were paid off in due time. Therefore, the statement about poor people being lazy and having a weak work ethic is inaccurate, as stated earlier on. According to OCED, the economic growth has not been shared fairly and its only widening the gap between the rich and poor.
Growing up in a poor household didn’t affect me much, however, I’m sure it will affect me in the future. There are stereotypes that state how growing up in a poor household will affect the child’s decision to fall under that category as well. A solution to this problem would be to prove all stereotypes wrong. In this case, being stereotyped as poor starts with education, so my way of doing this will be to just stay focused in school. I’m currently enrolled as a college freshman working toward my BA degree in Biology, and working towards a 4.0 by the end of the