Baseball Autobiography

Words: 607
Pages: 3

Before 8th grade, I had played baseball ever since I was 3 years old. I really liked playing baseball growing up. Some of my coaches used to call me Babe because of Babe Ruth. They said I had a really good arm. I never had a very important spot in baseball. I would always be an outfielder playing in the grass or shortstop talking to the second or third baseman. One year ago my coaches decided to make me a catcher and I was pretty good at it. One game it was really hot outside and I caught the whole game. I almost passed out when I went back to the dugout. The coach ended up getting one of my teammates' moms to buy me a drink. The year after, I told my new coaches that I was a catcher, but when I was showing them what I could do, they wanted me to try some new things like dropping my knees on the ground to block the ball. …show more content…
I was really sad because that's all I did the year before and I thought I was pretty good at it. But afterward, they wanted me to try pitching. They had me throwing the ball to them and even practicing on the mound. I was the best pitcher on the team. They put me in for the first time, and I was so nervous. It was strange having all the attention on me, hearing all the people cheering, seeing the field lights on, and breathing in the fresh cool air. I knew I had to use everything they ended up keeping me on the mound for too long that game and we found out at the next practice that we lost that game because of that. A couple of games later I pitched the best I ever had. I went through 1 inning with no one getting a hit or a base. I was throwing amazing strikes. No one could get a hit off of me. This was the first game my coach had ever given out a game ball. I was ecstatic. I couldn’t wait to tell everyone that I was the first and only person on my team to get a game