Pro Gun Control Essay

Words: 434
Pages: 2

I Believe Gun Control is Bad Haven Michael Louis Budnick Memphis Jr/Sr. High School

Gun control is not at all in favor of the American populace. The right to bear arms is heavily essential because, without it, it restricts law-abiding American citizens from protecting themselves and others. Not only that but gun control will not prevent criminals from obtaining firearms and will cause an overall filter in guns that will only arm the criminals. The first viewpoint stated was verbatim “that the right to bear arms is heavily essential because, without it, it restricts law-abiding American citizens from protecting themselves and others.”

To support this claim, for example, if a criminal has a firearm and starts to threaten the lives of those
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Some believe that reducing the likeliness or restricting access to firearms altogether, will drastically decrease the amount of mass shootings in America. They think this way because most of the deadliest shootings in America are used by firearms that have been purchased by the shooters legally.

The number one firearm that people target due to these shootings is the Civilian AR-15. They target this firearm, and say that it is the number one most used firearm used in mass shootings. When in reality, handguns are. Handguns are smaller, easier to conceal, and can pack extremely high calibers, and kill in one shot on impact. Making handguns the most used in violent felonies.

This is due to political partisanship that the Democratic party consistently uses in order to garner people to their side of the political spectrum. The Biden Administration is a prime example of this bias, and pushes to completely ban the Civilian AR-15 under this guise. The political left also enjoys using another talking point, which is ‘The AR-15 is a weapon of war’. The AR-15 was never administered to American soldiers in any war. Instead, they were only used in war by other countries that had run out of options. The United States Military uses Military-grade M16 Assault Rifles, and M4 Carbines, which are specifically designed for war rather than Civilian AR-15s which are specifically designed for home