Teacher Cadet Research Paper

Words: 616
Pages: 3

Since I was little, I always knew I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up. Though I know that teachers don’t make great pay and it’s not many people’s dream job, I’ve always had a passion for helping others, and always loved school growing up. With the demand for teachers being at an all-time high, I believe that the best route for me moving forward is to start preparing myself for the workforce early, to have the opportunity to be an impactful teacher as soon as I do get into the workforce. The Teacher Cadet program will assist me in attaining my goal of becoming an impactful teacher by giving me hands-on experience, giving me a chance to confirm that this is my dream, and allowing me the opportunity to make a difference. Hands-on experience …show more content…
Taking an interactive course in high school in the career field I plan to attend will allow me to be one step ahead by the time I get to college- having a little more education and experience. With this, starting to learn and practice early will ultimately make me a better teacher in the future, giving me a chance to grow through any huge problems sooner and make more of an impact later. At 17, high school students are expected to make one of the biggest decisions of their lives, choosing what career they want to pursue. There are many big decisions to be made in a student's senior year: whether to go to college, what to study, etc. Due to being forced to make this decision so soon, many students eventually change their minds and end up unhappy in the field that they’re pursuing. Taking an interactive CTE course in high school will give me a taste of what my life might be like after the fact, allowing me a chance to really consider whether this is what I want to do. Going into a field where it’s so important to love what you do, like elementary education, it’s crucial to be absolutely positive that teaching is what you want to