Vlad The Impaler Research Paper

Words: 575
Pages: 3

Vlad III Dracula, who was also known as Vlad the Impaler or Vlad Dracula, was very significant during his time and to the present day. He is well known for impaling and inspiring fear into his enemies, being known as one of the most brutal rulers from 1448 - 1476 in Walachia. Many see him as one of the most brutal yet influential and impactful leaders of the 15th century who played a huge part in shaping Romania to how it is today.

Vlad Dracula, born in 1431, was the second son of Vlad II Dracuel, and was a younger half brother to Mircea II and Vlad Calugarul, and an older brother to Radu III. In 1456, after the death of the old ruler who was assassinated, Vlad III was crowned and showed his leadership through many uses of impalement and even