Why We Should Switch To Year-Round School

Words: 568
Pages: 3

All schools should flip to full-year schools because the improved academic gains outweigh the shorter breaks throughout the year. The average school summer break is 11 weeks. During those 11 weeks, students forget everything they learned. Yes, breaks are important for students to have, but if schools switch to year-round school, students will improve tremendously on academics by having more spread out breaks throughout the year instead of having it all in the summer. The students will have higher performance rates in class that will help them get into the college of their dreams and have the option to additional scholarship opportunities. One study reveals that during summer, student’s scores drop by a whole month of learning, especially in …show more content…
Parents always say they want what is best for their kids and to help them get into the college of their dreams, so why would parents still fight for a summer break when it puts their child back by one month? Plus in year-round school the students will still have breaks during the school year, so why not take breaks throughout the year with no long summer break. This will help students not get behind, but still give them the little breaks they need. Another benefit of online school is the students’ test scores will increase in every subject.One school acknowledges that the students in a year round school scored 10% higher in reading, 16% higher in math, and 4% higher in language than students with a summer break (Macfarquhar, 1996). When grades of students who have a long summer break are compared to students who are in year-round school, the year-round grades are higher. When having higher test scores, it helps keep the student’s grade point average (GPA) up. By students having a higher GPA, it will help them have more scholarship opportunities and help them get into college. Not to mention, by getting scholarships it will also help them to not worry about loans after college and they can just start their life with no