Captive Bolt Slaughtering Research Paper

Words: 694
Pages: 3


I wonder how many of you have ever got a gun pointed at your forehead? Captive bolt stunning is the immediate instability of an animal by conducting a severe blow to the skull, which causes the animal to remain unconscious until it dies as a result of bleeding or pithing, which means immobilizing an animal. Captive bolt stunning is used widely across the world because it is a more effective way to slaughter animals because it minimizes the pain and stress the animal goes through during slaughter. My name is Tonuia and today I will be talking to you about how captive bolt stunning is a more humane approach to slaughtering cattle. Captive bolt stunning is one of the safest and most humane methods of stunning cattle in abattoirs, as it ensures the workers' safety in a less painful and sad death. In order to reduce the risks to workers and animals, all slaughter factories should adopt this approach. It results in the animal being rendered unconscious immediately after slaughter, so the risk to workers and animals is reduced.

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It works by firing a retractable metal bolt at the animal's brain, thereby rendering it unconscious immediately. Studies, such as those conducted by Gibson in 2019, contribute to the refinement and consideration of this alarming method by understanding its physiological effects. Stunned animals are more efficient at producing meat due to tethering, which offers several advantages, including rapid unconsciousness and reliability, as well as a reduced risk of suffering. If you owned an abattoir, which method would you