George Foreman Research Paper

Words: 1377
Pages: 6

The legendary boxing pastor, and everyone's favorite grill master, George Foreman is a man of many talents and achievements. He is known for the prosperous life he led as an entrepreneur and boxer. He was raised in Houston, Texas in a very indigent and harsh environment, but he still managed to turn his life around. He became a two-time heavyweight world champion in his boxing career and made his mark on history as he was inducted into the Boxing Hall of Fame. Not only was he an athlete, Foreman became an incredibly successful businessman who made millions off of the George Foreman Grill. Along with being able to turn his own life around, Foreman managed to become a major influence in the lives of many as a pastor and the owner of a community …show more content…
A single storm can sweep through and take it all away. But if you’ve got God, you’ll be okay”(Foreman). He believes that God can do good for the world and for those who are struggling, because it did for him. Thus, Foreman has dedicated much of his life trying to help people as a preacher, role model, and friend. In the same article with Guidepost, Foreman retold a story of his and quoted, “Lord, I said, if you’ll take away this pain, I promise I’ll tell people they can make it through anything.” George firmly believes that he was saved and now feels like he must give other people that opportunity. He talks about his agreement with God that he would go and help others find Him and find true fulfillment. This new God-loving Foreman became very influential upon his personal reform. Foreman became very fond of guiding people through religion, but has since taken further action to help people by using his money to create a community center where he can help underprivileged kids in his area. The George Foreman Youth and Community Center gave Foreman a full circle moment as he became their society’s