Pitbulls Research Paper

Words: 648
Pages: 3

Should people be allowed to keep pit bulls as pets? Pit bulls are one the most disliked animals that are hated, because people say they are very aggressive, therefore, also vicious. For example, pitbulls should be kept as pets, since most times they can do harm, but these pitbulls are still acceptable, because they will not always attack other dogs, humans, animals, etc. In the newspaper article, “The Media and the Pit Bull,” by James Cross, explains how people on the news over-report attacks on pit bulls. Others also see pitbulls as an overly dangerous animal. First, people always accuse pitbulls of doing terrible things and harming people, but never suspect the good things they can do. Citizens always assume that pitbulls aren't able to do anything good to other people, like protect …show more content…
But that isn't true, since pitbulls do have the ability to protect people, dogs, and more. Because people are starting to believe they can't do anything to their satisfaction. They are now on the verge of being banned from specific areas around the world. Not only do people believe that, but everyone also always suspects that pitbulls will harm everyone, but that isn't true, because pitbulls don't occasionally attack. Not only all of that, but there is a possibility on why pitbulls attack humans, and that could be their owners fault, since they most likely haven't trained them fully.

Second, pitbulls are always assumed to be paired with awful people, like drug dealers, etc. But they never think that they can be paired with normal people. People assume pitbulls are very dangerous, but that may also be because if they are paired with an awful person, they could possibly be getting abused, or something worse, which may cause their actions to occur. Not only this, but because of them possibly