Abigail Adams Research Paper

Words: 1409
Pages: 6

Born to a wealthy and well-known family, Abigail Adams was a strong advocate for women’s rights, education, and the abolition of slavery. Like many women of her time, Abigail wasn’t able to receive a formal education. Despite this, Abigail was very well educated and incredibly intelligent. Abigail was self-taught and well versed in countless subjects, educating herself with her father’s books. As a teenager, Abigail was tutored by a family friend, Richard Cranch from whom she met her future husband, John Adams. Soon after their marriage, Abigail gave birth to her first child: Abigail “Nabby” Adams. She also had three other children who lived until adulthood: John Quincy Adams, Charles Adams, and Thomas Adams. Abigail was active in her children’s lives all …show more content…
Capital. She was very involved in politics and would help John make decisions, saying “Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands. Remember all men would be tyrants if they could.” (“Abigail Smith Adams”) She was often viewed in the press as “outspoken and imperious” and an opponent once said that “She is Mrs. President, not of the United States but of a faction.It is not right.” Despite this, Abigail kept living a public life until John Adams lost the presidential election to Thomas Jefferson. Abigail was a very intelligent woman who was ahead of her time. She stood for what was right, and she wouldn’t let the lack of women’s rights stop her. Abigail Smith was born on November 11, 1744 in Weymouth, Massachusetts to Elizabeth Quincy Smith and Reverend William Smith. All throughout her childhood, Abigail was keen on helping others alongside her mother, who was a great influence on her. Together, they would visit the sick and bring necessities such as food, firewood, and clothes to the less fortunate. These acts of charity work would help Abigail become the person she