Bill C-11 Dangers

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Pages: 5

The Dangers of Bill C-11 Throughout history, communication and information have been essential parts of human survival. The way that humans communicate has changed over time and currently, the Internet is the main channel for communication and the distribution of information. Recently, the Canadian government has been trying to limit, monitor, censor, and control information on the internet through the introduction of bills such as Bill C-11, also known as the Online Streaming Act (OSA). This act, which received royal assent on April 27, 2023, allows the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to require digital media companies to pay for and promote “Canadian Content.” This means that streaming services must “clearly …show more content…
The ability to freely access information is one of the most crucial parts of a democratic society, but by mandating that media companies must prioritize promoting Canadian content, the government can use the CRTC’s vague definition of “Content that Meets the Needs and Interests of Canadians” to control and dictate what information can be spread widely. This means that the OSA may be violating some of the fundamental freedoms laid out by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms; namely the freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication. These worries are not unfounded as this is not the first time Trudeau’s government has violated the CRF for its own benefit, as seen with the use of the Emergencies Act against trucker protests on February 14, …show more content…
Without free thought, society is blind to the truth and accepts all the information they are given. In these conditions, a true democracy would be impossible, and Bill C-11 would be the first step towards creating these conditions. This obfuscation of information stifles critical thinking and hinders democracy. By obstructing the ability to freely gather information, the government robs citizens of the ability to form objective thoughts and opinions. Even the Canadian government admits that “Democracy fundamentally rests on a well-informed electorate, which sources information from robust and independent media institutions.” That very same government is now trying to control the information of these “robust and independent media institutions” through the OSA. With a focus on “Canadian Content,” the act essentially limits the diversity of available content and makes it more difficult for Canadians to think critically and freely. Bill C-11 destroys the foundation of democracy by hindering the ability to think freely or critically. In Fahrenheit 451, Mildred is a symbol of an unfeeling mindlessness that comes from a lack of critical