Bosnian Genocide Research Paper

Words: 949
Pages: 4

“Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it” This famous quote was written by Spanish philosopher George Santayana or more commonly said by Winston Churchill in his speech to the British House of Commons. This quote has been written, spoken, and dragged to the dirt throughout history, but still has not been taken seriously. “Genocide is defined by the United Nations (UN) as the policy of deliberately and systematically killing members of a national, racial, ethnic, or religious group.” (Manar 223). Genocide is one of the most common topics people fail to learn. I say this because of the constant repeat of genocide throughout history. Ethnic cleansing is a type of genocide that got its name from horrific events that occurred to …show more content…
In the article Milosevic, Slobodan describes how the president of Serbia at the time directed the Yugoslav army to wage war against the other ethnicities as a way to protect the Serbian minority. Although the president wasn’t directly involved in killing Bosnian Muslims, he was the leader and person controlling the war. Most of the atrocities carried out during the war were committed by “former Bosnian Serb commander Ratko Mladic -- known as the "Butcher of Bosnia" -- “(King). He was known as a commander who led his army into Sarajevo and the Srebrenica massacre. His army carefully planned out this genocide against Bosnian Muslims. Before this attack even happened, the Bosnian Muslims were classified against the Serbs in an “us vs. them” classification, doing this brought great division between different ethnic groups. Allowing the dehumanization of Bosnian Muslims committing acts such as “forced deportations, mass rapes, massacres, and torture” (Manar 87). The men were either killed in mass graves or sent to concentration camps where they were tortured, starved, and eventually killed. Moseuqs were targeted and people were forcibly removed from their homes. Though the Bosnian genocide has ended, there remains a broken country. Though the Bosnians won the war, they also lost a lot more than they won. Many were scared to return to their country …show more content…
The conflict between Serbia and Yugoslavia was resolved, however, the killing of Bosnian Muslims was not seen as genocide and instead the normal result of war. While the genocide has ended, situations are still being discussed. One of the more popular was whether the war happened. The country of Serbia still denies its involvement in the genocide. To cover it up, mass graves were dug up, bodies burned, and displaced. “This rift continued in 2017, with one of the region's leaders forbidding schools from teaching students about a massacre carried out against Muslim Bosniaks during the Bosnian War (1991–1995).” (Bosnia and Herzegovina). The war in Bosnia is identified as a genocide because it was a deliberate killing of ethnic groups, Bosnian Muslims. Though most genocides seem different, they all share a common attribute. Genocide all comes from a deep hatred towards a certain person, group, or nation. People sitting around witnessing genocides remain on the same level as the ones committing them. You must have the courage to take action and voice your opinion because you can be the change in the world. It doesn’t just have to be what’s happening in your country, we must know what’s going on in the