Covd201 Unit 6

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Pages: 4

Discussion Assignment Unit 6 For the duration of epidemics and pandemics, the healthcare system's ability to reply effectively becomes essential. However, it regularly faces challenges like the availability of healthcare workers, who aren't only crucial for providing care but also vulnerable to contracting diseases. This brings up significant ethical dilemmas about the rights and duties of healthcare workers, specifically while their safety might be at threat while fulfilling public health responsibilities. In this discussion, I'll delve into the moral considerations of whether healthcare people ought to be forced to deal with inflamed patients at some point of a deadly disease, drawing from bioethical theories and realistic instances. Should healthcare workers be forced to work against their …show more content…
Forcing healthcare workers to treat infected patients increases notable ethical concerns regarding their safety and well-being. Those exposed to infectious diseases face heightened risks of contracting the illness, possibly leading to excessive outcomes including long-term health issues or even death. During the COVID-19 pandemic, frontline healthcare workers have encountered unprecedented challenges and dangers, together with shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) and apprehensions regarding insufficient workplace safety measures (Chaudhary et al., 2024). Additionally, exposing healthcare workers to immoderate infection risk can also impede their capacity to fulfill their duties competently and ethically. The worry of contracting the disease can exacerbate stress, anxiety, and burnout among professionals, potentially diminishing the quality of patient care (Mulaudzi et al., 2021). As a consequence, even as healthcare workers are obligated to tend to patients, this responsibility should be weighed against their safety, well-being, and