Dead Baby Project Essay

Words: 1689
Pages: 7

One moment everyone is living their normal lives, shopping, and seeing friends and family, when suddenly, the world shuts down. COVID-19 strikes, millions pass away, people start wearing masks wherever they go, students are forced to go to school online, stores have limited entry, and worst of all, we all needed toilet paper. This tragic event affected the lives of millions, and yet, at a time when we should have turned to scientists and experts, we looked away from them the most. Initially, people began believing the government was responsible for the outbreak in order to control the population of the earth. Secondly, people started to believe the government was using the new vaccines to microchip Americans, while these vaccines were leading …show more content…
In reality, they weren’t too far off, in 1955, a meeting with the Atomic Energy Commission came up with some of the testing strategies and encouraged researchers to discreetly get a hold of tissue and bones from the deceased, more specifically stillborn babies. In the article “Project Sunshine: The Worldwide Conspiracy To Collect Children's Tissue and Bones That's Actually True,” author James Felton goes through the history of Project Sunshine. He quotes researcher and Nobel Prize award winner, Dr. Willard Libby, who recalled that “I do say that it is a matter of prime importance to get them and particularly in the young age group... and if anybody knows how to do a good job of body snatching, they will really be serving their country." The questionable thing is that these tests took place in the mid-1950s, and this statement was not released until a 1995 documentary. Parents were naturally upset; they were not asked if their deceased children could be used for testing, and the public as a whole was