Fahrenheit 451 Textual Analysis

Words: 410
Pages: 2

How to bake cupcakes? Next, a funny dog video. Next, a girl talks about her day while she does her makeup. As I watch videos such as TikTok or Instagram reels, switching the video about every 30 seconds or so, my attention span decreases. But it’s not just those apps; screens are everywhere, and it’s hard to tell what their impact on us is. Because of this, many people are unaware that technology, especially phones and computers, is reducing their attention span.

Our attention spans have become shorter, as we find it harder to focus on one task for an extended period of time. We've become accustomed to quick, snap information that we can consume in seconds. It's like our brains have adapted to a fast-paced digital world, Ray Bradbury wrote, Fahrenheit 451.
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On page 52, he says, “Then, in the twentieth century, speed up your camera. Books cut shorter -. Condensation. The. Digests, and tabloids. Everything boils down to the gag, the snap ending.”

Because of modern electronics, distractions are around us all the time. With notifications, social media, and constant scrolling, it's easy to get caught up in a never-ending cycle. The competing demands of work/school and home life alone without the use of technology are stressful enough. The COVID pandemic is partly to blame for this because of the incessant temptation of phones, social media, and the internet while stuck at home; it became comfortable.

Many would argue that technology such as smartphones and computers haven’t been around long enough to get a realistic study. In fact, for the last 20 years, computer scientists and psychologists have studied attention spans and found that the human ability to focus on one thing has decreased from 2.5 minutes to 45