How Does George Kill Lennie's Death

Words: 638
Pages: 3

“Sooner or later, everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences.” That said, when making a choice whether it is good or bad there is always a response corresponding to the action made. For some, these choices can be life altering. For example, in the popular novel Of Mice and Men, written by John Steinbeck. George, the main character, was forced to euthanize his partner Lennie after he had killed multiple animals and the wife of the boss's son Curley. George was fearful of what could happen to Lennie if Curley got ahold of him. In the novel George did kill a human being and technically it is considered murder, but George killing Lennie was an act of euthanasia.

It is easy to believe that Lennie was slaughtered by George, just by the fact