Lucy Letby Is Acting Ethically Wrong

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Pages: 6

All first responders swear an oath. An oath to protect all citizens and to obey the law. What happens when they go against their promise and they become the ones you should fear?

People fake a smile or even tell a little lie every day, but not everyone can cover a gruesome, unlawful crime. For example, take Lucy Letby. A smart, professional lady, who wanted to save lives by being a nurse. Wayne Couzen, a family guy and police officer who was “the pillar of the community”. These people are thankfully few (so few in numbers, that there’s a lack of statistics, which shows how often cases like these go unnoticed) first responders who choose to drop their responsibilities and take the lives of people that trust them, by using the power of their
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It took seven babies to be killed for Countess of Chester Hospital to raise questions about one nurse’s name that was reoccurring in the pattern of deaths of the innocent babies. Lucy Letby has become notorious for doing such a crime and has been convicted of being responsible for the killing spree. The posted an article stating that we will never know exactly why she did it but prosecutors and psychological experts explain that there were multiple reasons for her motive. Firstly, to gain attention of a male colleague and to gain his sympathy regarding the death of each baby. She also liked to ‘play God’ and got a ‘thrill’ when telling the parents their child had died from ‘natural causes’. Lucy Letby murdered the babies by injecting them with air, overfeeding them, poisoning them with insulin and assaulting them with medical tools. Her family explained that Lucy showed signs of Munchausen's syndrome (where a person fakes illnesses), as well as anxiety and depression. A study published in the Journal of Forensic Sciences (2006) has shown that there were 90 cases in 20 countries of healthcare staff becoming a killer and in the past decades the number of victims is only rising. Shown in the famous Harold Shipman case, a doctor killed more than two hundred patients. Police found a trove of handwritten notes while searching Letby’s house during their investigation, including one that read: “I am evil, I did this.” She admitted to her …show more content…
You couldn’t hang out with your friends, see any of your family, or even buy two packets of toilet paper! The positive side of the dreadful year is we all came together to support all the first responders who were supporting us. From the late hours on the 3rd of March – during the peak of COVID, Sarah Everard, a 33yr old marketing manager was taking her usual walking path but didn’t make it back home. Wayne Couzen, a police constable and firearms officer who had been broadcast by the Daily Mail (towards an uncovered sexual assault case) as a suspected sexual offender, had planned an atrocious attack that he had on his mind for months, Sarah just happened to be at the same place but unfortunately at the wrong time. Officer Couzen stopped Sarah and told her she was arrested for “breaching” Covid safety laws, he led her to the back of his police car and then drove 80 miles to Kent. Where He raped, strangled and murdered her. Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton attended Sarah Everards funeral to give condolences to the Everard family and to stand by all the women in the streets of London. This isn’t the first time police brutality has occurred. Rachel Hall, a reporter at the Guardian, has shown that more than 1,500 police officers have been accused of violent offences against women and girls, however less than 1% have been sacked, that was published on the 14th of March 2023. Overall, it shows that anybody from any walk of life can commit