Mexican Church Observation

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Pages: 9

Before visiting a Mormon church here in las Vegas Mew Mexico I knew little about Mormonism. I was once approach by two Mormon missionaries while I was out on a walk. They two individual stopped me asking if they could have five minutes of my time to share about Christ. With the knowledge I have about not turning a believer down if they asked about sharing Christ I said sure. I they began to share their knowledge and doctrine about Christ. Am not sure if they had realized but It was getting a bit chiller and they had past the five mins that they had request to share Christ with me. It started to get uncomfortable because what they were sharing contradicts to what I believed in and what I have knowledge about. Not only that but I was getting …show more content…
Furthermore, as I entered the church I had no idea if I was early or late because I did not know what time church started. As I approach the second entrance in the building I realized I wasn’t seeing anyone, then as I bent the corner I saw this older gentleman, who asked if I was a member or an investigator knowing that I wasn’t a member I said an investigator. “Awkward” I have never gone into a church building for the first time and someone asked if I was a member or an …show more content…
They are “gods in the embryo’. Mormons believe that the LSD is the one and only true church on the earth. From what I understand Mormons believe that our earthly existence is so that we can grow and mature and them when we retune to the father we return being more intelligent, more compassionate and mature. Mormons believe that at the age of eight is the age of accountability and so children are baptized at the age of eight. From my experience, I have learned that Mormons are passionate, helping and comforting people they are not different from other people they just have different believes and customs. They seek out the interest of other people and welcome them with open arms upon arriving at their