Personal Narrative On American Football

Words: 640
Pages: 3

Peyton Allen

It was early Saturday morning, and me and my teammates were getting ready for our football game against West Claremont. In the locker room preparing and getting ready when I got a text from my dad that said “Hey buddy, me and baba are doing sticks today! Go out there and play hard. Leave everything out there.” This text motivated me while I was getting mentally and physically ready. I put on my pads and helmet, I said a prayer and we were ready to go. We ran out onto the field and started our stretches. As I was laying on the hot turf for a couple of our stretches, I closed my eyes and relaxed, feeling the breeze on my face and the heat of the turf on my skin. I said to myself “Today is going to be the day”. I said this multiple
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I thought again “today is the chance to score my first touchdown right in front of the two people I look up to” After stretches we went through pregame and now it was time to start the game. Defense hit the field first and made some great stops. As I am standing on the sideline, I look up in the stands and see my mom and sister, I then look across the field and see my dad and grandpa. My dad looks over to me and mouths “Lets go!”. It's now our offense's turn to go out and try to score. We ran and a couple plays and I received a 10 yard pass down the middle. I make a good move and take off but am taken down soon after. We continue to move down the field, but don't score. I run off the field tired and sweaty from this hot sun, I wait again as our defense goes out and lets up a touchdown. Were down 7-0 at the time. I run onto the field and think to myself “this is the drive!”, we go down the field and I don't get the ball after being opened a couple of times. We ran off the field again after having to punt. End of the First. I look up to my mom disappointed. She says to me “it's alright babe, keep playing hard”. Were about midway through the second quarter and the defense let up another score, we are now down 14-0 and are