Roaring Twenties Research Paper

Words: 625
Pages: 3

Roaring Twenties The “Roaring Twenties” was a time period in American history that made one think of life as one big party. With World War I over, people felt more liberated, especially women. This era brought about many new advancements in technology, economic growth, and progress in women’s rights. Although these things helped define this era as great, there were many underlying issues that contradict the image of this era being carefree and optimistic. The 1920s saw progress in technology and machinery. Electricity became common, and with this came the invention of things like the washing machine, vacuum cleaner, and refrigerator (Joliet). Factories were booming, and people indulged in consuming the items once seen as a luxury. Radio, films, and entertainment are an important part of everyday life. With this consumption culture, …show more content…
These citizens wanted to keep the traditional values and morals of America’s past (Khan Academy). This difference of opinions on how people should live caused a major divide in the country and caused society unrest. The “Roaring Twenties” was an era that celebrated freedom of expression, especially for women. Women no longer felt restricted to the home, and displayed this new freedom with style. Women embraced shorter hair, flapper outfits, and makeup, as well as partaking in smoking, drinking, dancing, and less modesty (The American Yawp). Women joined the workforce and came together to fight for causes that they felt were important. Two of the most notable ones were the right to vote and prohibition. The eighteenth amendment established a ban on alcohol, including the production, sale, and transportation of the product. So while women were living up to the “good life” by partying in speakeasies, they were at the same time fighting for alcohol to be banned. Women gained the right to vote with the passing of the nineteenth