Spanish American War Research Paper

Words: 736
Pages: 3

The Spanish-American war was a series of battles fought between Spain and the United States. There are many reasons as to why the Spanish-American War is considered an important event in both American and Spanish history, but it also plays a considerable role in forming the future of the world. A few of the end results of the Spanish-American War are that it ended the Spanish colonization of the central American countries but also secured the United States as a major world power. But before Spain left the Americas and the United States was a major world power, Cuba was not in the best shape. Like most countries under the rule of a foreign power, Cuba sought independence from its rulers. The revolutionaries main target during the war was land …show more content…
Spain is now in an even worse place. They were not prepared for a war with the United States but were unwilling to agree to the negotiations set by them. No other countries were willing to back Spain other than trying to convince the United States to not go to war. Desperate, they tried even more to negotiate, but could not give up Cuba. After the U.S. declared that they were going to use armed forces to intervene, Spain declared war on them. While both sides were not entirely ready for land warfare, Spain was greatly outmatched in terms of Naval power to the United States. And for the following war, most of it was fought on the water. As the war raged on, it was clear that the United States was in the lead. Almost all battles fought ended in mass Spanish casualties and only a few American casualties. After a while, Spain started to notice this. A treaty was brought up by the United States that had Spain Burch 3 give control of both Cuba and the Philippines, who they argued were not ready for self governance, to the U.S. Although this would be a huge loss for Spain, they agreed to end the Spanish-American