A Christian Worldview

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Pages: 6

A worldview is the framework from which we view reality and make sense of the world (Article 1). It determines how we interact with it. While some people cannot define their worldview, everyone has one.
In order to establish a Christian worldview, it is necessary to know the Bible well and believe it. This is because the Christian worldview sees everything through the lens of the Bible, and believes it to be the infallible Word of God.
A Christian worldview answers questions about Man’s origin, identity, purpose, morality, and destiny using the answers in God’s Word. The Bible is the glue that holds it together. While others come up with their answers based on other religious views, the Christian worldview is the only one that aligns with
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First and foremost, our task is to glorify God, our Creator. We are to show our love for God through our actions. We must love others, praise God in song, spread the gospel to others, read the Bible, and pray to Him.
In John 20:21 Jesus tells us, “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” This is our turn, Act Five, in which we are to spread the news of the King. We are to be a living example of the love shown to us through Christ Jesus (Article 2).
We are also to do this through contextualism. We need to give people the Bible’s answers to current questions that people are asking in a concise manner that engages them (Video 3). The apostles were very good at this, and saw direct results. We need to present the gospel in a way that people can come to terms and identify with easily.
God gives us the task of ruling this creation. “Let us make mankind… so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground” (Genesis
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When Christ returns He will gather His people and take them to dwell in a perfect earth where there is no sin or suffering. We will be in a paradise, similar to in Genesis. But we will already have made the choice for God, and will not be able to reverse it.
This is the final Act in which the King returns and restoration is completed (Article 2). It is the final step of God’s plan for redemption.

A well-founded Christian worldview answers essential life questions about our origin, identity, purpose, morality, and our future. With the right answers to these questions, based firmly upon the infallible Word of God, we can fight against the temptations of this world.
The Bible is consistent because God is unchanging. This makes a Christian worldview the best as an example to others, since our blueprint, God’s literal Word, is also unchanging. As the glue that holds our worldview together, it provides stability and a cohesiveness that cannot be removed.
With this consistent worldview we can be discerning when it comes to television shows, music, the Internet, and anything else we stumble upon in our lives. This is our task as believers. We will know how to react consistently, providing a solid example for unbelievers and those with a watered-down