Not only would Agent Orange destroy the Vietnam’s food sources and contaminate the water, Agent Orange would attack every system in the human body, including the nervous, reproductive, digestive, and respiratory systems. Even US army soldiers were not immune to Agent Orange's effects. Millions of veterans returned from Vietnam with light to severe exposure to the chemical. The Cleveland Clinic states that “over 300,000 U.S. veterans and over 400,000 Vietnamese people died from exposure to Agent Orange from 1962 to 1971” (Cleveland Clinic). Some immediate effects of Agent Orange include trouble breathing, rashes, and blurred vision. However, the long-term effects of Agent Orange include: (Hill & Ponton) Horrifyingly, the effects of Agent Orange do not end with one generation because the toxic dioxin is passed down through the mother to her newborn. Agent Orange is nationally recognized by the scientific community, “to cause neural tube defects, deformities of sensory organs, clefts in the palate, and deformities of limbs”(Adepitan, 1:46) in