Analyze Legislative Branch (Committees)

Words: 499
Pages: 2

3. Analyze Legislative Branch (committees)
Committees play a crucial role the in the government. Thousands of bills and resolutions are presented to congress each year. In order to deal with everything, the Senate divides its work into different committees. A legislative committee makes the initial consideration on proposals. They then can determine if it should advance through legislature. They can suggest amendments to the bill. There are many other committees within our government. Committees are the first step in deciding whether an amendment should move forward. Committees help keep the Senate on track and set their agendas.

4. Analyze the Function of the Executive Branch (President’s Powers) The President has been given many powers from the constitution. The President can sign or veto any legislative laws and proposals. Commanding our armed forces is one of the powers our President can partake in. The President can consult with different cabinets and congress. Signing pardons and grants are both important powers. The President can also receive ambassadors. The leader of our country has numerous powers in which they use to govern our country.

9. Understand the Limits on
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The National government. The National government’s powers can be divided into three groups: expressed, inherent, and implied powers. Expressed powers are the powers given to the National government such as collecting taxes or declaring war. Inherent powers are the powers that all government should have, which includes dealing with territory or immigration. Implied powers are powers that have been changed overtime. Rules and Laws are changed all of the time. The State level government has its own responsibilities. These powers include dealing with property, education, protection, maintaining a justice system, and construction. The National and State governments have their own powers to keep the country on