Analyzing Financial Statements

Words: 949
Pages: 4

Analyzing Financial Statements

December 16, 2012

Regina Campbell

Calculate the following: Current ratio, long-term solvency ratio, contribution ratio, programs and expense ratio, general and management and expense ratio, fund-raising and expense ratio, and revenue and expense ratio for the years 2003 and 2004.

2003 2004

Current Ratio: .87 .90 Long Term Solvency Ratio: 1.38 2.06

Contribution Ratio: .51 .49

Programs and expense ratio: .72 .77

General/ management/expense ratio: .28 .23

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It does not give information about how much the organization spends on services.
The performance budgeting system is a system that is used by program administrators to manage the cost-efficient and effective budgeting outlays. The advantage of the performance budgeting system is that the system provides information on the amount of service that will be provided by the organization. Now the disadvantage of the performance budgeting system is that the organizations must employ sophisticated cost analysis techniques. They need to be able to determine the full cost of the program and to derive correct unit costs.
The program budgeting system is be able to explain the organizations expenses to the programs, to measure the programs outcomes as well as the cost to the program of achieving outcomes. The performance budgeting system shows the effectiveness of an organization. The advantages of the system are that they provide information about the outcomes of the program and they raise the level of debate from service and efficiency concerns to clients.

Provide a 350- to 700-word response to the following: Identify and describe two types of traditional approaches to fund development, and two types of nontraditional approaches to fund development that are appropriate for the XYZ Corporation, and provide a conclusion of the organization’s current and future financial picture.

There are numerous ways to fund development that an