Andrew Jackson Dbq Analysis

Words: 562
Pages: 3

Andrew Jackson was quite the controversial president. Was he truly the democratic man that he claimed to be or was he actually a dictator who only took his own opinions into account? The 7th President of the United States grew up poor and was left to confront the world on his own when his mother, father, and brother died. Jackson had a deep wild streak when he was a kid, but his self discipline improved around the age of 17 and he became a lawyer and began a career in politics. Jackson’s political career is not what him the nation’s hero, instead it was his success during the war and how he treated his soldiers. Did Andrew Jackson allow America to be ruled by the people, or were his claims to be democratic untrue? Although others may disagree, I believe that Andrew Jackson was democratic because of the way he dealt with the common man, his …show more content…
One reason for why he vetoed the National Bank is listed in Document 4 when it says, “It appears that more than a fourth part of the stock is held by foreigners and the rest is held by a few hundred of our own citizens, chiefly of the richest class.” The bank existed to aid foreigners and wealthy Americans, which means that most of the population of America does not benefit from the Bank. Jackson believed that it was in the best interest of the people as a whole to close the Bank because it favored the upper class of America. This shows he was democratic because he was looking out for all of the people, and not strictly the ones with great influence. Document 4 also says that, “Of the twenty-five directors of the bank five are chosen by the government and twenty by the citizen stockholders.” The majority of those in charge of the National Bank were not elected by the people, but by the those already in a position of power. Consequently, Jackson ended the Bank because it did not allow all citizens to have a