Section 1: Handouts and Assignment Guidelines This section is for everyday homework assignments and other basic handouts. For instance, this very handout will belong to that section!
Section 2: Final Drafts, Projects, and Unit Reflections In this section students will keep the final graded copy of their paper, including rubric and comments. Students will also reflect on their writing experiences throughout the year, so this section will be a great place to review some of your challenges from the previous unit when you try to improve on the next paper.
Section 3: Rough Drafts, Previous Drafts, and Workshops In this section students will keep all drafts other than their final, including all previous grading and workshop or peer editing comments. DO NOT THROW THESE ITEMS AWAY. It is critical to keep all of your grading and comments so that they can be used to assess the difference between final and rough drafts.
Section 4: Notes, Writing Strategies,