Ap Psychology Cycle Plan For La 2.3

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Psychology Cycle plan.
LA 2.3 Q-1 to 4
Q1a. The 2 main functions of the somatic nervous system is voluntary movement and the reflex arc that is used for protection of the human body and nervous system.
Q1b. Examples of voluntary movement is typing out an essay, you are moving your fingers to type on the keyboard and press the correct letters. Reflex arc is when the body moves from e.g if you were to put your hand to close to a fire of some sort your body would move your hand away from the danger to prevent itself from being harmed.

Q2. Afferent information is sensory information coming from a certain part of the body. Efferent information is motor information that is controlled by the person where they expand or contract their muscles.
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Three functions that the does when the sympathetic system is being activated is that the pupils of the eye will expand the enhance vision for the person involved in the situation, The liver will have an increase in the production of sugar to produce the body the most energy possible, and finally the heart rate will increase to pump blood around the body as fast as possible to help the body out as much as possible.
Q2c. The salivary glands will decrease in the production of saliva because it is not needed in the event of a high risk situation, The bladder will relax because it also is not needed in a high risk situation, finally the sympathetic nervous system will inhibit digestive activity for the body.

3a. The parasympathetic nervous system helps maintain the internal body environment in a steady, balanced state of normal functioning.
3b.Three functions that will happen because of the parasympathetic nervous system is that the eyes will contract because the eyes do not need to be enhanced when trying to relax, the sweat glands will decrease the production of perspiration on the skin because the body does not need to cool down, finally the heart rate will be slowed because the body will not need the heart to pump blood very fast around the
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Parkinson’s id a progressive disease of the nervous system marked by tremor, slow imprecise movement that mainly affect middle aged to elderly people. Motor symptoms would be that there would be visible shaking of the hand and you would be able to notice these tremors very easily.
Non-motor symptoms would be that the brain has been affected by something and it is constantly sending motor messages to body and telling them to move involuntarily.

Q2a. Parkinson’s is a neurological disorder because it is not a voluntary movement and the message originates in the brain therefore characterising it as a neurological disorder.
Q2b. Parkinson’s is characterised as a neurodegenerative disorder because the condition of Parkinson’s can result in the progressive degeneration and or the death or nerve cells.

Q3a. The part of the brain where dopamine is depleted is the midbrain this part of the brain is not able to produce the sufficient amount of dopamine due to Parkinson’s.
Q3b.The Midbrain is located in the most middle part of the brain.
Q3c. The low level of dopamine will impair control of voluntary movement because it is the neurotransmitter that is responsible for sending signals between multiple brain