At first I dismisses how he believed the CIA was watching him until I read this quote “There are literally hundreds of CIA spies in Richfield alone that harass me…I am certain I will be murdered someday.” When reading that I saw an image of an old man whose only protection due to old age is a gun and him mistaking some action a stranger does as a CIA trying to kill him...I think you can see where I am going with this. Now there is no evidence or proof this will ever happen but; nonetheless, something to consider. At the end of the day I am no expert in the process of obtaining guns, nor will I personally meet Ralph Gilbertsen to make a better call but I do think he should have a psychological test to make sure he isn’t a danger to others. The fact that Hennepin Community Outreach for Psychiatric Emergencies was called on him though, does not help his case. I think the cops did have a valid reason for confiscating his guns however I do think it should have been only temporary until he cleared some type of test then see what happens from