Argumentative Essay: The Abuse Of Police Force

Words: 582
Pages: 3

Heather, some cops are corrupt. They are all human. I am very vocal about abuse of police powers. I am also vocal about bad service at a restaurant or other business but even louder about rare great service.

Most cops have good intentions and become disillusioned at the actual vocational dynamics. Most never fire a weapon in the line of duty. The psychological stress of a society placing default heroism on you is real. Same with military service. Most MOS have nothing to do with combat and Hollywood heroism but our society places greater value on individual accomplishment. While being a first responder can be exciting, it has a greater responsibility to the public as a paid vocation. Like the military should be all volunteer, I also believe 100% volunteer fire and police forces would better serve our local communities. Everything is federalized and incentivized. So, that working with the moral decline of a violent culture of death makes for a cocktail of "necessary evils." Statistically, first responders have higher rates of domestic violence and divorce. Our culture has embraced the romanticization of violence and war and it shows in the way we treat the unborn and the elderly in the name of our convenience and pleasure.
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So do criminals. I don't blame all cops or the system because the system has been good to us. I don't blame the courts for what someone petitions the court for, I blame the petitioner. The courts are not yet coming to our door and accusing us. This is what people in our society are rabidly doing . You are richer than 90% of the world's population: highly