Assignment 206 Essay

Submitted By bodley13
Words: 662
Pages: 3

Olivia Jack


Abuses described , Signs & symptoms…....................1&.2

What can I should I do if I suspect abuse . ............3

Recording evidence of abuse...........3

Requirements for safeguarding individuals according to National policies

Local and organisation systems for safeguarding

Roles of agencies in safeguarding individuals

Sources of advice, support and information to help social care workers understand safeguarding.
Types of Abuse and signs and symptoms

Physical abuse-

Inflicated bodily harm to someone that can cause injury
Aware of service users being physicaly abusive to staff
Scratches ,cuts or burn marks found on the body
Being kicked, hit or slapped
Bed wetting or soiled or bedding
Misuse of medication or restraint
Fractures and dislocations- accompanied by bruising or finger marks
Loss of weight
Withdrawel or mood changes

Sexual abuse-

When someone is forced into sexual activity when they have not given consent
Finger marks , bruising or slap marks found on the body
Be aware of potential inappropriate behaviour
Scratches, abrasions or persistent infections in the anal/genital area
Aggression , anxiety, tearfulness
Blood or marks on underwear
Refusal to undress
Reluctance by the vulnerable adult to be alone with alleged abuser
Withdrawel or mood changes

Emotional/pyschological abuse-

Subjecting someone to behavior that could result in anxiety or depression, being put down or bulled . Being shouted & /or sworn at, Ignored and controlled.

Ignoring, Controlling, shouting or swearing.
Verbal abuse
Racial abuse
The individuals presence and needs being ignored
Reports from people of shouting, screaming
A individual being referred to in a derogatory way
Withdrawel or mood changes

Financial abuse

Someone's asserts/ money being misused without their knowledge,
Refusing to allow individuals to manage their own financial affairs money being withheld from a person money taken from a service user stealing money or property it being given away
Individual not made aware of finiancial matters
Family regularly asking for money
Unexplained shortage of money despite a sufficent income
Withdrawel or mood changes

Instutional abuse-

Someone is mistreated in a home setting not given a choice
Dignity and privacy are not respected
Inappropriate mediciation is given
Access to advice is restricted
Arises from poor standards care of care
Denial of food, adequate clothing or suitable clothing
Threats of punishment
Withdrawel or mood changes

Self neglect-

When a individual doesn't feel able to look after themselves
It can cause emtional or mental harm
A lack of personal hygiene
Failure to eat or buy food failure to maintain a clean living environment
The individual is ill
Is depressed
Can cause hazards in the living which could potentially cause physical harm
Memory loss
Withdrawel or mood changes

Neglect by others-

Failure to provide care for