Athletic Training Research Paper

Words: 807
Pages: 4

contact. Different types of sports are played all over the world. Whether it is contact or non-sport players will always get injured no matter what. Because players always get injured in case they have concerns, athletic trainers will always be needed making it a secure and safe job to have. As an athletic trainer, people might think they only do medical related work, however they also have other responsibilities for their job. Athletic Trainers will be at all sporting events of an injury, and help athletes prepare for games, then check in with them after for any injuries (“Athletic Trainers”). These injuries can range anywhere from a concussion to a sprain or tearing a muscle (“Athletic Trainers”). After a check up with the athlete, the trainer will need to give them a recovery process and how …show more content…
Not only do they help people in the field, they educate other people to help them become trainers or how to treat themselves. The work day can either be short or long depending on how many games or practices there are. Since athletics are needed at all games, they can work in any conditions such as rain, snow, sunny, cold, or hot (“Athletic Trainers”). There could also be occurrences where they are asked to travel to Ragno 2 games. Making it possible to work over the weekend, early in the morning, late at night, or all day. need (“Athletic”) To become an athletic trainer you need to be able to do certain things. Athletic trainers to have good communication skills and be able to make quick decisions under pressure (Trainers”). If they are not doable to communicate and ask questions, they probably won’t. They will probably be able to figure out the injury and get them the help the person needs (“Athletic Trainers”). also need to ask a lot of questions in order to evaluate the patient and have steady hands (“Athletic