Bernice Bobs Her Hair Analysis

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Pages: 4

Popularity is not everything in life. Throughout Bernice Bobs Her Hair by Scott , popularity is a big factor in this short story. Bernice is the main character in the story. Bernice is a very intelligent college girl that is very shy and smart. Bernice goes to visit her cousin for the summer; when she finds out that she is not as popular as she thinks. Marjorie is Bernice’s cousin who is not all that polite. When Bernice first gets to Marjorie house, there is a dance at the country club where Bernice first meets warren. Warren who is a guy that Marjorie used to like, therefore, there is jealous when warren shows Bernice attention. Warren walks up to Bernice and simply starts flirting with her. Bernice is a type of girl who doesn’t know much …show more content…
(pg.5) Instead of standing up for herself she is flowing Marjorie foots steps and trying to be popular. Bernice even is thinking about cutting her hair into a bob to convey that she wants to stand out and she thinks since everybody doesn’t like short hair because of the tradition, she thinks it will draw attention to her and track men. “Do you think I ought to Bob my hair, Mr. Charley, such a sure way to attract attention.” Bernice implied? (pg.6) Trying to fit in as much as Bernice did is not the key to life. Standing out is the key to life. Marjorie came back at Bernice with the fact that she was just bluffing about cutting her hair, knowing that that would be the ugliest haircut she ever got and would turn guys away. Despite all the argument and tension that was between Bernice and Marjorie, now they were finally having sympathy between one another and Marjorie gets jealous because After all the help Marjorie gave Bernice, the final dance at the end of the story Bernice started getting guys; however, Marjorie got a little jealous because she realized that Bernice was starting to gain some popularity. Bernice was devoted to Marjorie and she ruined it at the end trying to embarrass Bernice by saying she was bluffing. Showing her authority and independence that Bernice gained through the time staying there she cut