Bud Not Buddy Literary Analysis

Words: 362
Pages: 2

vv Imagine you with your age living without a mom. In the story Bud, not Buddy, bud suffered many dramatic events. He lost his mom when he was the age of 6. then when he was 10, he went to 3 orphanages'. He had many problems throughout the book. Bud, not buddy would be different if bud had his mom because he would have a house, he would have a better life, he wouldn’t have never experienced a foster home.

For one thing, the story would be different if he had a mom because he would have a home. In chapter 1, bud says that when he was six he found his momma lying on a bed dead but he didn't he wouldn't have a house or he wouldn't experienced a foster home. However she died back then but if she died these days she would've survived because we