Camp Simcha Qualitative Analysis

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Pages: 5

a. The consultancy team did not conduct any interviews with children and/or vulnerable people.
3. Consent Forms
a. A consent form was included in every interview and survey. Verbal consent was taken from families during telephone interviews. An example of the consent form used can be found in the appendix.

The current Jewish population in the UK is approximately 270,000 people; with the largest concentration of about 180,000 in North London, followed by around 30,000 in Manchester and the remainder all over the UK. Compared to the overall population of the UK at 62 million, the Jewish population is considerably small in proportion. Jewishness is the binding force that brings together a sense of family and oneness to provide
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Camp Simcha provides 19 services as part of the portfolio which can be offered in various combinations based on the varying requirements and needs of families.
For the interviews 23 families were identified by Camp Simcha for the AMBS consultancy team. Out of these 23 families 13 agreed to the interview within the timeline of the project. There were successfully conducted and all have been included in the qualitative analysis.
For the surveys which were conducted in two batches, first batch was done with the interviews with 13 responses. The second batch was sent to 80 families who did not participate in the interviews and 18 responses were received.
There are a number of variables that were taken into account for analysis.
• Family Type o Special: Families that require long term support o Regular: Families that require support for a specific amount of time.
• Family Size o Single child o With siblings
• Faith o Secular o Religious
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(2011) to construct the interview questionnaire format and identify potential questions. In addition, this model supported in choosing questions for the quantitative surveys. Further, Millere et al. (2014) concluded that quality of life is characterized by the individual’s satisfaction within their current environment that affect his or her everyday life. In accordance to this definition, we designed our questions to understand the everyday factors that could affect their surroundings which ultimately influences quality of life. The questions are focused on three key