Cannibalsim And Abundance In Colonial Jamestown

Words: 320
Pages: 2

Herrmann, Rachel B. " cannibalsim and abundance in colonial Jamestown", The William and Mary Quarterly 68, no 1 (January 2011) : 47-74). Article.
Author Rachel Herrmann attempted to show us clear and detailed events that happen during the cannibalism. During this time jamestown had a hard winter in 1609-10. which had forced them into starvation causing them to do the unthinkable. 1610s and 1620s was the starving era narratives were responsible for getting out the new laws to the people about food production and consumption. Cannibalism is the practice of eating your own flesh species. As for abundance meaning very large quantity.
The argument is whether cannibalism happen during 1609-10. As shown in the article it gives us some of the reason