Casey at the bat ESSAY

Words: 1056
Pages: 5

Kaitlin Harris
English 100­002

Too Much Pride Can Kill A Man

The game is looking grim, with two outs, Jimmy just safe at second and Flynn barely holding on to his position at third. The sea of people in the stands rose to leave in a defeated, hopeless manner, when one spectator cheered “it's Casey next up at bat!”. The crowd turned in optimism to watch what they had been waiting for all game, Casey at the bat. Casey, the crowd favourite, the only one who could possibly bring the mudville nine any sort of a victory, approached the plate with his chest puffed out in a strong cocky manner. He allowed the first pitch to pass him by, as though it was unworthy of his attention and skill, with the second pitch the
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It impacts your behavior towards others and the manner in which you speak to them, how you chose to live your life, how you dress and present yourself,
and your attitude towards the day. It comes down to measuring yourself against everyone else, “The rest / Clung to that hope which springs eternal in the human breast; / They thought, if only Casey could get but a whack at that ­ / We'd put up even money, now, with Casey at the bat.
But Flynn preceded Casey, as did also Jimmy Blake”(5­9), instead of looking at yourself and discovering what makes you, you, uniquely and without compare. It comes after someone has harmed us, after we’ve achieved something monumental, or done something against perceived odds. Pride can be the boost we need to protect ourselves from any further harm or disappointment from others. But pride can have a strong negative impact, “But there is no joy in Mudville ­ mighty Casey has struck out”(53). Pride can ruin you by giving you the false illusion of knowing more than you do, or even make you believe you know everything. Instead of you hearing a suggestion or a cautionary warning, you hear a dare, someone assuming you will fail. Pride was Casey’s superpower but also his kryptonite, leading to his own personal destruction.

Kaitlin Harris
English 100­002

­Rewrite one of your topic sentences. The best