Censorship Of Teenagers

Words: 472
Pages: 2

Do you like living a free, no strings attached life? Who doesn’t? In our society of civilization, we all have rules, regulations, and laws to follow. Taxes we have to pay, speed limits we must obey, jury duties we must attend, the list goes on. Let’s be honest, we all live a very controlled, regulated life, whether we are aware of it or not. For the most part, we are free to do what we wish, and we can come and go as we please. But what if someone were to take that right away from you, the freedom to travel and pass about freely, wherever and whenever you desire? The most limited people in our society today are teenagers. Teenagers have to follow a vast amount of rules implemented on them by their guardians, that aren’t even laws at all. Their freedoms solely depend on their overseer, and sometimes they are more restrictive than the law. …show more content…
The first issue with this is, it effects teenager’s agendas. Most young adults have an outrageously busy schedule, whether it be school, work, or extracurricular activities. A curfew would interfere with those whose occupation requires them to stay out past the time the city would like for them to be inside. Some teenagers have late shifts during the week, and on weekends because they wish to earn more money. Also, some have extra curricular school activities which require them to stay after and attend on the weekends. A curfew would interfere with teenagers' schedules and it will make it difficult for them to work around the allowed time they can stay