6 Weeks
Turns at familiar voice.
Cries with different tones
Holds head steady when held prone.
Cries when hungry, tired or uncomfortable
Needs adult to meet needs
Sleeps most of the time
3 Months
Squeals with delight at simple interaction
Smiles more often
Makes vowel noises i.e. “ooo” and “eee”.
Lifts arms
Reaches for objects placed in front of them
Head steady most of time
Follows objects from side to side
Turns head to sound
Reacts more readily when interacted with and enjoys closeness of caregiver
Sleeps for less time
6 Months
Beginning to show stranger anxiety
Babbles more
Vocal play
Rolls from side to side
Holds objects and puts them to mouth
Sits with support
Holds own bottle
Notices difference in colour
Needs adult comfort
Plays peek a boo games
Cannot understand “no” or danger
9 Months
Watches others in play
Plays alongside
Apprehensive of unfamiliar faces
Babbles tunefully
Beginning to say double words i.e. mamam, dada
Sits unaided
Wriggles and begins to crawl
Reaches for objects with less risk to toppling
Pulls self-up at furniture
Looks for dropped toys
Knows they are there even when out of sight
Attachment with caregiver is strong
Cries when left
Copies others
18 Months
Passes toys to others to look at
Recognises self in mirror
Likes adult interaction
Enjoys companionship with other children
Speaks more recognisable words
Uses gestures pointing or pulling an adult to indicate what they want Walks unaided
Builds a tower of 3 or 4
Throws a large ball
Can grasp crayons/pencils with hand
Enjoys push and pull toys
Explores in a familiar environment
Recognises familiar songs
Places items in container and enjoys tipping them out
Likes repetition
Understands 1 simple instruction
Waves goodbye
May have a tantrum if things go wrong or if they are tired or frustrated
More curious about people and surroundings-needs watched to prevent dangerous situations
Demands mothering
Shows some physical aggression when frustrated
Asserts independence-refuses to cooperate with daily routing, protests when getting ready, fed etc.
2 Years
Watches and imitates others
Parallel play
Solitary play is often repetitive
2-3 words spoken in sentence
Names familiar objects Runs in a line
Walks up and down stairs holding a rail 2 feet per step
Enjoys imitating every day chores i.e. may feed a doll
Simple classification i.e. separates into groups
Attends to self-selected activities for longer
Bossy with care givers, makes demands and demands immediate compliance from adults Has tantrums over frustration
Shows signs of empathy
May appear over affectionate
Likes to know an adult is near by
Often defiant, shouts “no” when spoken to
Rustic, wants everything just so
3 -4 Years
Cooperative play
May have imaginary friends
Has best friends
Speaks in sentences
Asks questions constantly, where, when, why
Begins to use past and present tense
Toilet training starting
Can jump from low height
Can stand on tip toes
Catches a large ball
Enjoys shaping and moulding clay
Dresses with assistance
Begins using pincer grip
Problem solving skills developing
Likes to look at books and pretend to read
Recognises some numbers and familiar letters
Mood changes-happy 1 minute and crying the next
Independence developing
Shows pride in accomplishments and seeks adult attention
Knows when they have hurt others by their actions
Enjoys role play and make believe activities
Often appears selfish-tells tales on friends, not taking turns
Beginning to understand the meaning of “No” Does not yet understand right from wrong
5 – 7 Years
Being more selective when making friends
Likes entertaining and making people laugh
Plays cooperatively
Talks a lot
Has fluent speech but may contain some infantile