Carla Turner
Ed4620.Meeting Individual Students
Needs With Technology
Dr: Deborah Moreland
July 20,2015
My Role Is Community Center
S tation 1
Th e A u d ien ce
The Audience will have an overview of how technology in education is an important aspect, also giving education a newly renovated platform along with a brief video , showing the community the benefits through technology; job searching career opportunities , continuing their education etc.
U n iversal D esig n s For
Learn in g (U D L)
Stated by Edybum the principles of UDL had emerged from our understanding of the designs and physical environments for individuals with disabilities . The term
Universal Design is mostly commonly associated with architecture (Preiser
+ Ostroff,2011:
The main purpose of UDL is to ensure that the community , educators and schools incorporate curriculum that can be used by everyone In teraction
The community will have the ability to view various videos on a adult community college program , and a model UDL lesson plans. There will be a variety of technology available to interact with such as ,IPods , Interactive white board and Mac computers etc.
This video will demonstrate the impact of UDL and the positive effect it plays in education http://youtube.b e/bDvKnYogbe4
S tation 2
Tech n olog y + U D L For A ll
Learn ers
Mission Statement
The learners center provides academic support and learning strategies through services resources and collaboration with teachers that will allow students and community to achieve there academic goals
Belief Statement
That each one poses the ability to learn
For students to be successful we have to teach them a creative way by incorporating technology into the classroom .
C ou rse an d P rog ram
e rin g
School Choice
Magnet Programs
Scholarships students with an
Education Plan
Charter Schools
Certified Food Protection
Certified Welder
Certified Nursing assistant
Certified EKG Technician
Microsoft Office Specialist
Certified Veterinary
Comp TIA A+
Engineering Core
S tation 3
21 st C en tu ry S kills A cq u isition
A n d Em p loyab ility
21st Century skills
Life and career skills;
Knowledge and independence Learning And Innovation
This will prepare the students to build commutation ,and teach how to effectively express themselves to accomplish there goals Information Media And
Technology skills