Community Event Final Event Essay

Submitted By jamaicanlady
Words: 621
Pages: 3

C om m u n ity Even t
Carla Turner
Ed4620.Meeting Individual Students
Needs With Technology
Dr: Deborah Moreland
July 20,2015
My Role Is Community Center

S tation 1

Th e A u d ien ce

The Audience will have an overview of how technology in education is an important aspect, also giving education a newly renovated platform along with a brief video , showing the community the benefits through technology; job searching career opportunities , continuing their education etc.

U n iversal D esig n s For
Learn in g (U D L)

Stated by Edybum the principles of UDL had emerged from our understanding of the designs and physical environments for individuals with disabilities . The term
Universal Design is mostly commonly associated with architecture (Preiser
+ Ostroff,2011:

The main purpose of UDL is to ensure that the community , educators and schools incorporate curriculum that can be used by everyone In teraction

The community will have the ability to view various videos on a adult community college program , and a model UDL lesson plans. There will be a variety of technology available to interact with such as ,IPods , Interactive white board and Mac computers etc.

This video will demonstrate the impact of UDL and the positive effect it plays in education  http://youtube.b e/bDvKnYogbe4 

S tation 2

Tech n olog y + U D L For A ll
Learn ers
Mission Statement
 The learners center provides academic support and learning strategies through services resources and collaboration with teachers that will allow students and community to achieve there academic goals

Belief Statement
 That each one poses the ability to learn
 For students to be successful we have to teach them a creative way by incorporating technology into the classroom .

C ou rse an d P rog ram
e rin g

School Choice
Magnet Programs
Scholarships students with an
Education Plan
Charter Schools

 Certified Food Protection
 Certified Welder
 Certified Nursing assistant
 Certified EKG Technician
 Microsoft Office Specialist
 Certified Veterinary
 Comp TIA A+
 Engineering Core

S tation 3

21 st C en tu ry S kills A cq u isition
A n d Em p loyab ility
21st Century skills
 Life and career skills;
Knowledge and independence Learning And Innovation
 This will prepare the students to build commutation ,and teach how to effectively express themselves to accomplish there goals Information Media And
Technology skills
 The